Analyzing the digital policy implications of the US, Mexico and Canada agreement (USMCA), which professed to be accessible to all, but large global firms will be particular beneficiaries.
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The datafication of social life has led to a profound transformation in how society is ordered, how decisions are made, and how citizens are governed. However, if datafied societies are to be democratic, data scores and other predictive analytics need to be closely scrutinized by citizens, through new forms of participation and civic control.
- Data Stories
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Micro work sounds appealing in practice. However, access to these online platforms can be quite complex. The flexibility on digital labor platforms is, thus, quite illusory.
- The New Precariat
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In the face of the reductionist economic logic of data, we need alternative imaginaries and metaphors to better understand the relationship between our selves (our bodies, personalities and communities) and the technologies we inhabit.
- Data Stories
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As the digital era evolves, the recent blacklisting of Huawei by the US may turn out to be an event of historic significance.
- Big Tech Watch
- The Policy Table
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Exploring the question of whether data should flow freely across borders in the context of the 2017 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum.
- The Policy Table
- Article
The WikiLeaks and Assange episodes have revealed that, by putting information in the hands of citizens, data also works in favor of greater transparency and democratic governance.
- Data Stories
- Online Publics
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