IT for Change

IT for Change (ITfC) is a Bengaluru-based non-profit working at the intersection of technology and society. ITfC aims for a society in which digital technologies contribute to human rights, social justice, and equity. Our work in the areas of education, gender, governance, community informatics and internet/digital policies pushes the boundaries of existing vocabulary and practice, exploring new development and social change frameworks.
A Global Digital Compact for Gender Equality: Charter of Feminist Demands from the Global South
IT for Change and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
February 27 | 4 min read
Pragmatic Deal or Tragic Compromise? Reflections on the UN SG’s Policy Brief on the Global Digital Compact
IT for Change
June 6 | 9 min read
A Global Digital Compact for Gender Equality: Charter of Feminist Demands from the Global South
IT for Change and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
February 27 | 4 min read