Sonia Corrêa

Sonia Corrêa has been involved in research and advocacy activities related to gender equality, health and sexuality since the late 1970´s. She is currently a research associate at the Brazilian Interdisciplinary Association for AIDS, in Rio de Janeiro, and was visiting Leverhulme Professor at the LSE Department of Gender Studies in the years 2016-2017. Sonia also co-chairs Sexuality Policy Watch (SPW), a global forum comprised of researchers and activists engaged in analyses of global trends in sexuality-related policy and politics. She has extensively published in Portuguese and English. The list includes, among others, Population and Reproductive Rights: Feminist Perspectives from the South (Zed Books, 1994) and Sexuality, Health and Human Rights, co-authored with Richard Parker and Rosalind Petchesky (Routledge, 2008).
Sonia Corrêa
April 16 | 7 min read