In the first episode of the EcoMinassat podcast series, we provide an overview of the way digital platforms are reshaping the economic terrain within the MENA region. Looking at their growing prevalence, we explore the relationships that are emerging between digital platforms, unemployment, and gendered livelihoods. We critically survey the ways in which these platforms have not only opened up new opportunities for local workforces but also introduced new forms of disruption and unique obstacles.

Hosted by: Yosr Jouini

Acknowledgement: This podcast has been produced as part of IT for Change’s Big Tech & Society Media Fellowship 2022.


00:00: Introduction

02:05: Evolution of the digital economy in the MENA region with Dr. Ayad Alani

13:41: Platformization and unemployment with Uma Rani

19:48: The gender dimension with Uma Rani

35:43: The state’s role in regulating platforms

39:27: Concluding remarks