
Big Tech Watch

An interrogation of the increasing power of Big Tech companies over our democracies, societies, economies, and everyday lives.

The New Precariat

An incisive foray into the ongoing challenges that labor faces in the digital economy, examining debates and developments around the future of work.

Data Stories

An examination of data rights paradigms and developments in digital justice in the Global South through data.

The Policy Table

A critique of emergent multilateral and multistakeholder mechanisms as well as country-level developments in data and internet governance.

Feminist Digitality

A look into the relationship between feminist struggles and the digitally-mediated world, investigating the restructuring of gender power in the digital paradigm.

Online Publics

An examination of the nature, design, and politics of the online public sphere, tracking questions of access, democratic participation, and human rights.

Inside Intelligence

A peek under the hood of AI – the shaping social and economic force of the future – at its economic drivers, social antecedents, and governance concerns.

Special Issues

Collections of pieces around a specific topic in the digital sphere, with in-depth examinations of its nature and implications from various perspectives.