Can digital food systems address the immense inequalities that lead to persistent food insecurity?
Articles Tagged Under
Exploring the consequences of datafication of welfare policies in Latin America and the role of intersectional feminist perspectives.
- Feminist Digitality
Despite its avowed allegiance to progressive values, how does the WEF’s Davos Summit further the consolidation of corporate power, particularly in the digital arena?
- Big Tech Watch
- The Policy Table
Can India’s smart cities be built using equitable and participatory technological infrastructure and governance processes for public data?
- Data Stories
Can alternative development models disrupt the asymmetric data economy in Latin America and build a data commons culture? How can data stewardship initiatives made by local communities help ideate such models?
- Data Stories
A conversation with Kate Lappin about a new social contract for the data age.
- Big Tech Watch
- The New Precariat
- The Policy Table
Metaphors shape the way we understand and govern data. It is critical that we develop a metaphor that unshackles the power asymmetries in the current political economy of data.
- Data Stories
What would constitute responsible use of AI in the African context?
- Big Tech Watch
- Data Stories
Whether AI will be a weapon of social injustice or an agent of positive change depends on the stories we choose to weave.
- Big Tech Watch
- Data Stories
- Inside Intelligence