Unpacking dominant developed countries’ tactic of using spam as a ruse to move trade deals away from the ITU and into the WTO, where they have greater bargaining power.
Articles Tagged Under
A conversation with Deborah James exploring what a new social contract means in the data age.
- Big Tech Watch
- The New Precariat
Global tech giants are lobbying Australian officials in secret talks in Geneva over a deal which could allow them to continue to operate without regulation.
- Big Tech Watch
Carolina Rossini, Portulans Institute Founding CEO, was the RightsCon Director at the time of this interview
- Data Stories
- The Policy Table
Interestingly, we’re seeing an increasing reliance on national security exceptions in trade negotiations. Can you talk about the politics of national security provisions in trade agreements? […]
- Big Tech Watch
- Data Stories
Transcript of our interview with Jane Kelsey exploring the issues with the new global trade arena, ways to resist them, and how the digital fight is now at the core of the 21st century trade agenda.
- The Policy Table
Exploring questions around the sustainability of the current trajectory of digitization, international interests and the digital revolution, the US-China struggle for digital domination.
- Big Tech Watch
- The Policy Table
The hyper-liberalization of digital trade can be more grievous and devastating for women in the Global South than in any other previous round of trade globalization. Developing countries need to come together to hold firmly to the ‘right to regulate’ digital trade, rejecting the dominant policy rhetoric on gender and e-commerce.
- Feminist Digitality
- The Policy Table
Analyzing the digital policy implications of the US, Mexico and Canada agreement (USMCA), which professed to be accessible to all, but large global firms will be particular beneficiaries.
- Big Tech Watch
- The Policy Table