Examining the effectiveness of the Digital Markets Act and the pushback strategies adopted by Big Tech.
Articles Tagged Under
Predatory digital lending apps mushroom across the Indian financial landscape, poking holes in the gilded narrative of fintech innovation.
- Big Tech Watch
- The Policy Table
Can users regain control over their car data as part of a free and safe data value chain?
- Data Stories
Metaphors shape the way we understand and govern data. It is critical that we develop a metaphor that unshackles the power asymmetries in the current political economy of data.
- Data Stories
Containing spread of Covid-19 requires exceptional measures, but these cannot come at the cost of fundamental rights.
- Big Tech Watch
In the face of the reductionist economic logic of data, we need alternative imaginaries and metaphors to better understand the relationship between our selves (our bodies, personalities and communities) and the technologies we inhabit.
- Data Stories
Exploring the question of whether data should flow freely across borders in the context of the 2017 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum.
- The Policy Table