Articles Tagged Under

Davos 2022 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Despite its avowed allegiance to progressive values, how does the WEF’s Davos Summit further the consolidation of corporate power, particularly in the digital arena?

  • Big Tech Watch
  • The Policy Table
January 25 | Article
The Assetization of Social Life

Innovation and our technological futures are being driven by the wholesale assetization of everything we do freely today and many things we can’t even think of in the future. What might this mean in practice?

  • Big Tech Watch
  • Data Stories
January 19 | Article
The Struggle Over Internet Governance and the Role of the UN

In its current form, the UN Secretary General’s “Roadmap for Digital Cooperation” undermines the WSIS goal to develop a “people centered, inclusive and development oriented Information Society”.

  • The Policy Table
March 16 | Article