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Exceptions & Confusions- The Politics of Trade and National Security

Interestingly, we’re seeing an increasing reliance on national security exceptions in trade negotiations. Can you talk about the politics of national security provisions in trade agreements? […]

  • Big Tech Watch
  • Data Stories
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Nov 3, 2019 | 4 Min Read | Amelia Andersdotter
Negotiating Trade and Competition in the Digital World

An interview with Amelia Andersdotter unpacking the ‘multistakeholder’ model in the context of global political and economic inequities.

  • Big Tech Watch
  • The Policy Table
  • Article
Sep 5, 2019 | 6 Min Read | Amelia Andersdotter
South Americas and the Surveillance Society

How has the introduction of transnational technologies in South America affected human rights and privacy concerns?

  • Online Publics
  • Article
Aug 8, 2019 | 4 Min Read | Aram Aharonian
Breaking Up the Big Tech Legacy: Antitrust Developments in the US

An interview with Charlotte Slaiman, which is divided in two parts. Part one looks at the current status of antitrust laws and their implementation in the US. Part two examines why antitrust law needs to evolve to keep up with the digital economy.

  • Big Tech Watch
  • Data Stories
  • Article
Jul 15, 2019 | 10 Min Read | Charlotte Slaiman