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On RightsCon and the Long Con of Digital Policy Multistakeholderism

The digital rights community is increasingly enclosed within spaces running on private donations. RightsCon, along with the IFF and re: publica, are becoming the ‘go to’ forums for conversations on internet governance. This article argues that there is a need to preserve public spaces such as the IGF, as critical alternatives for civil society.

  • Big Tech Watch
  • Article
Jul 5, 2019 | 5 Min Read | Deepti Bharthur
Governance of Data and Artificial Intelligence

With the use of AI, machine learning, and deep learning, digital spaces produce and reproduce structural discrimination.

  • Big Tech Watch
  • Inside Intelligence
  • Article
Jul 2, 2019 | 4 Min Read | Cecilia Alemany
Trade Negotiation and the Digital Fight

Transcript of our interview with Jane Kelsey exploring the issues with the new global trade arena, ways to resist them, and how the digital fight is now at the core of the 21st century trade agenda.

  • The Policy Table
  • Article
Jun 25, 2019 | 6 Min Read | Jane Kelsey
Can We Control The Digital Revolution?

Exploring questions around the sustainability of the current trajectory of digitization, international interests and the digital revolution, the US-China struggle for digital domination.

  • Big Tech Watch
  • The Policy Table
  • Article
Jun 10, 2019 | 5 Min Read | Roland Kulke
No Magic Bullets: Reclaiming the Transformatory Potential of e-Commerce for Women’s Empowerment

The hyper-liberalization of digital trade can be more grievous and devastating for women in the Global South than in any other previous round of trade globalization. Developing countries need to come together to hold firmly to the ‘right to regulate’ digital trade, rejecting the dominant policy rhetoric on gender and e-commerce.

  • Feminist Digitality
  • The Policy Table
  • Article
Jun 7, 2019 | 3 Min Read | Nandini Chami
The Scored Citizen: Data Scores as a New Form of Governance

The datafication of social life has led to a profound transformation in how society is ordered, how decisions are made, and how citizens are governed. However, if datafied societies are to be democratic, data scores and other predictive analytics need to be closely scrutinized by citizens, through new forms of participation and civic control.

  • Data Stories
  • Article
Jun 6, 2019 | 5 Min Read | Data Justice Lab